How to Care for Your Moissanite Wedding Band to Keep It Sparkling Forever
February 24, 2023So, Moissanite is the lucky gemstone that had the honor of commemorating your big day as an eternal emblem of your love and commitment? Well, a Moissanite Wedding Band may have sealed your ‘happily ever after.’ But doesn’t adoring it while it sparkles in all its glory sometimes make you wonder- “What if it loses its touch?” or “How do I wear it everyday without compromising on its sparkle or aesthetics?”
Of course such questions baffle your mind because wanting it to look as alive as your love is practically the dream. And lucky for you, we have with us- all the handy tips and tricks to take care of Moissanite Wedding Band the right way. So without further ado, let’s break down practically everything that you need to be mindful of to keep your Moissanite ring as good as new!
What can harm your Moissanite Wedding Band?
First things first. While we can all mutually agree that Moissanite is one of the most durable gemstones out there with a hardness rating of 9.25 on Mohs Scale, but that in no way means that you can be entirely sloppy with its TLC.
That’s because some factors can play their part in deteriorating the beauty of your precious Moissanite wedding band forever. We have put together a list of some of the most common ones for you:
Hard knocks can lead to scratches, breakages or chipping
Harmful chemicals such as chlorine or those from cosmetics, soaps and shampoos can make the Moissanite look cloudy and cause discoloration.
Accumulation of oil, grease, and grime on the surface can cause the Moissanite to appear dull.
Snagging on the fabrics of your cloth time and again may cause the stone to loosen.
Prolonged exposure to heat and light has an impact on the stone’s sparkle.
How to take Care of Moissanite Wedding Ring- Do’s and Don’ts
Wondering “Can I wear Moissanite Ring everyday?” Especially since it is the wedding ring that we’re speaking of, we certainly know that you would never want to take it off. Just how you wish to keep the love of your life close forever!
Well luckily, you can live in your Moissanite Band as long as you swear by the below mentioned tips and tricks that can keep it away from the potential damages:
Make sure you keep it well guarded in a separate jewelry box. That way you’re not only keeping it away from any harder gemstones that hold the potential to scratch or chip it, but are also doing away with the risk of letting excessive heat or light damage it. You’d be delighted to note that Rosec Jewels delivers your jewelry encased in an extremely durable aluminum box. The jewelry is further kept intact by a sponge foam inside.
About the hard knocks that we were discussing about previously, do you know how your Moissanite Wedding Ring gets subject to them in the first place? The answer is right there in your day-to-day activities. It is- NOT putting the effort of removing it while doing physical activities such as gardening, playing sports, cooking, etc. Since these activities require a lot of physical movement, they can subject the Moissanite to excessive pressure. That can at times cause it to scratch or break. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry!
Trust us- it’s not so difficult to simply remove your ring before you hop in the shower or every time you go for a good swim session. Swimming pools are home to loads of chlorine, and taking a shower means subjecting it to chemicals trapped in your soaps or shampoos. Apart from that, be sure to apply and set your makeup, perfumes, etc before you put on your ring. (we’ve already discussed what impact these chemicals can have on your moissanite).
Treating your ring to professional inspection and cleaning every 6 months to one year can make all the difference! Be it for regular maintenance or to fix a loose stone, nobody can do the job better than an expert. On that note, we’re delighted to introduce you to our Warranty service.Through this service, we facilitate our customers with the opportunity to rely on our specialists whether their jewelry suffers/ is prone to any potential damages, or to simply keep its sparkle and luster intact.
Everlasting Radiance: Explore the Beauty of Moissanite Wedding Bands
How to Clean Moissanite Wedding Ring at Home
Is that build up of oil, dirt and grime over the surface of your sparkler haunting you? Wondering what if it gets in the way of Moissanite’s sparkle? Well, the good news is- As long as it is on the surface, getting away with it isn’t as difficult as it may seem.
We’d recommend you to bank on some tried and trusted techniques to pamper your Moissanite ring with a nice cleaning session every one or two months (if you’re wearing it everyday). Follow them religiously from the comfort of your homes and let the sparkle of your Moissanite Wedding band stay as eternal as your commitment.
DIY Cleaning Solution
Dirt, debris, oil, or grime- there is nothing a quick DIY hack can’t fix. The best part? It not only saves you time but also keeps you from splurging big bucks on cleaning machines. Just make use of a few readily available ingredients, follow some easy peasy steps, and your sparkler would be as good as new in no time. We have it all laid out for you right below:
Cleaning Supplies Required:
Mild soap/liquid detergent
Warm water
A good to use bowl
Soft bristled toothbrush
A dry, lint free cleaning cloth
Step 1: Pour in some lukewarm water in a clean bowl. Make sure that the poured water is enough to immerse your ring completely (neither less, nor more than that). Once done, add a few drops of a mild detergent or soap. Stir until you arrive at a well mixed soapy solution that is good to use.
Step 2: Immerse the ring in this solution for a good 10 to 15 minutes. If you feel the need, you can totally keep it submerged for even longer depending on the amount of filth present on it. That would help in doing away with the accumulated dirt, oil, or grime from the surface completely.
Step 3: Meanwhile, don’t forget to subject your sparkler to a good scrubbing session in order to dislodge all the stubborn film over the surface. A soft-bristled toothbrush will come in handy for that. Gently scrub it using this toothbrush (especially on the edges since you can expect them to be home to most dirt).
Step 4: Once done, make sure to keep the ring under running water just for a while. That way you can get rid of any residual soap that it may have collected in the process. You’re almost there now!
Step 5: The final but equally prominent step is- patting your sparkler dry with a lint-free microfiber cloth. Be sure to be gentle while at it. With this, you’re not only wiping off all the water, but also doing away with any excess dirt (if there still is). And there you go- you now have a squeaky clean band that is no less sparkly than a new one!
Some Handy tips
Make sure to keep your sparkler as far away as possible from soaps or detergents rich in chemicals. As discussed, chemicals can substantially cause the Moissanite to discolor. So, cleaning with a chemical crowded soapy solution is never a good idea!
One of the biggest questions that we often get asked is “can I clean moissanite ring with toothpaste?” We understand how some people turn to such measures thinking that would eliminate all the stubborn dirt and grime instantly. But DON’T FALL for such unreliable hacks. Hard or abrasive materials are always a big no for cleaning any jewelry, be it of a stone as hard as Moissanite. Toothpicks are no exception since they hold the potential of scratching the surface of the stone.
The question that has long been home to most amount of confusion is- “Can you clean Moissanite with Vinegar?” Think about it. While we love Moissanite for its durability, it comes as no surprise that it is not completely impervious to chemical damage. And vinegar is itself an acidic substance that can etch the surface of the stone and cause it to lose its luster and brilliance. So, it’s better to stick to mild soapy solutions that do the job without carrying any potential damages along.
Rely on an Ultrasonic Cleaner
Have you tried your hands at DIY hacks but the stubborn dirt and debris just won’t go? No problem! An Ultrasonic cleaner can prove to be your way out. The plus point of relying on an Ultrasonic cleaner is that they might reach out and clean those hard-to-reach parts that DIYs just can’t. Let’s understand how exactly they operate:
Firstly, submerge your ring in a cleaning solution (typically of soap and water) inside the ultrasonic cleaner. These cleaners are known to clean by a process called Cavitation. The ultrasonic cleaner produces high-frequency sound waves that create tiny bubbles in the cleaning solution, which then collapse with great force. The collapse of these bubbles gives birth to high-pressure waves and tiny, intense scrubbing action that dislodges dirt and debris from the surface of the jewelry.
Before you know it, you have your Moissanite doing what it does best- sparkle splendidly.
Also note,
In case you were wondering “what requires more care- Moissanite or Diamond?,” the answer might actually be a tough nut to crack.
Firstly, there is no denying that both of them can last a lifetime with proper care. But Diamond, striking a perfect hardness rating of 10/10 on Mohs Scale holds the ability to scratch Moissanite (that holds a 9.25 rating on Mohs Scale). So that being noted, you may want to keep your Moissanite Band as far away from Diamonds as possible. That is where Moissanite may require (comparatively) more care.
But you’d be pleased to note that the good part about Moissanite is that it doesn’t attract grime, grease or dirt with the same affinity as Diamonds.
Final Thoughts
Say goodbye to worries- your sparkler is all set to dazzle at its best now. That being said, we’d like to wish you all the luck in trying your hands at these easy hacks and mindful tips to take care of your Moissanite wedding ring effectively. Don’t forget to tell us about your experience. For further queries, feel free to reach us out. We’d be back with more handy tips and tricks that can help you cherish your beloved bauble forever. Until then, we bid a warm adieu!