Alle Amethyst: February Birthstone Aquamarine: March Birthstone Citrine & Topaz: November Birthstone Diamond: April Birthstone Emerald: May Birthstone Engagement & Wedding Festival Gifts Garnet: January Birthstone Gemstones Jewelry Information Opal: October Birthstone Pearl: June Birthstone Peridot: August Birthstone Ruby: July Birthstone Sapphire: September Birthstone Tanzanite: December Birthstone Zodiac Haven
Aquamarine Vs Blue Sapphire: Which Stone Will You Choose?

Aquamarine Vs Blue Sapphire: Which Stone Will You Choose?

The battle of the blues is what we have for you! Everyone wants to have the power of blues, and for this, on one side we have the captivating royal...
Rosec Jewels
Emerald Vs Sapphire: Which Gem You Will Pick?

Emerald Vs Sapphire: Which Gem You Will Pick?

Sapphire and Emerald are the two of the most precious and popular gemstones in the market. Both the gemstones have their quality and uniqueness. But if you get a choice...
Rosec Jewels
Ruby Vs Sapphire: Which One You Will Pick?

Ruby Vs Sapphire: Which One You Will Pick?

Ruby and Sapphire, here are the two most talked about gemstones in the market. So, if you could get a chance to choose between ruby or sapphire jewelry, which one...
Rosec Jewels
Emerald Vs Peridot: Which One Should Choose?

Emerald Vs Peridot: Which One Should Choose?

How can you differentiate Emerald from Peridot? Can you tell me any difference between these two? Emerald is a precious gemstone, ranging from yellow-green to vivid blue-green hues. They are...
Rosec Jewels
Know The Difference Between Aquamarine Vs Teal Montana Sapphire

Know The Difference Between Aquamarine Vs Teal Montana Sapphire

In this sparkling world of gemstones, there are many gems that people usually admire. However, in the group of precious or semi-precious gemstone, only few of them stand out. The...
Rosec Jewels
How Rubies Are Rarer Than Diamond?

How Rubies Are Rarer Than Diamond?

Rubies are usually considered as rarer than diamond but only in terms of gem quality form. While rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are all made of the same material, rubies themselves...
Rosec Jewels
Everything You Need to Know About Natural Vs. Lab Grown Diamond

Everything You Need to Know About Natural Vs. Lab Grown Diamond

In the era of shopping, a huge variety of diamond categories, colors, shapes, designs, patterns, and styles that you can pick as per your requirements. Visually, according to the professionals,...
Rosec Jewels
Tanzanite Vs Aquamarine: Which One You Should Choose?

Tanzanite Vs Aquamarine: Which One You Should Choose?

Both Tanzanite and Aquamarine are amazing gemstones. They have only one thing in common (apart from being amazing gemstones) is their extreme blueness. If you want to choose in the...
Rosec Jewels
Tips to Know Best Quality Gemstones and Accurate Grading System

Tipps zum Kennenlernen der besten Edelsteine ​​und des genauen Bewertungssystems

Wir alle locken mit den leuchtenden Farben, die die Edelsteine ​​bieten, und warum nicht? Schließlich haben alle Farben eine Ausstrahlung, die keine andere erreichen kann. Die leuchtenden Farben von Edelsteinen...
Rosec Jewels
Powers Of Gemstones: What are their Symbolic Use?

Kräfte von Edelsteinen: Welche symbolische Bedeutung haben sie?

Edelsteine ​​faszinieren uns alle, nicht wahr? Der Hauptgrund dafür ist ihre schiere Schönheit, Brillanz, Bedeutung und ihre magischen Heileigenschaften. Unabhängig vom oben genannten Grund ist das Tragen von Edelsteinen eine...
Rosec Jewels
What is Zircon? What is Difference Between Diamond And Zircon

Was ist Zirkon? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Diamant und Zirkon?

Wir alle kennen Zirkon, weil es häufig in Schmuck verwendet wird. Interessanterweise ist es jedoch ein weit verbreitetes Mineral, das in vielen verschiedenen Arten von Gesteinsformationen vorkommt, einschließlich metamorpher und...
Rosec Jewels
Zircon Gemstone: What is special About Zircon

Zirkon-Edelstein: Das Besondere an Zirkon

Lange vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen jeder nur von Diamanten und ihrer kostbaren Schönheit begeistert war. Heutzutage erfreuen sich Alternativen zunehmender Beliebtheit, genauer gesagt, erfreuen sie sich wieder großer...
Rosec Jewels