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    Emeralds are undoubtedly one of the most precious gemstones which are prized for their vibrant green colors. Whether you want to opt for emerald as your engagement ring’s center stone or want to adorn it in a beautiful necklace, the exceptional pop of color must be there.

    But did you know, that not all emeralds have similar colors? Have you ever caught emeralds that have slight differences in their color? Well, now as all these questions arise in front of you, it’s time to look deep into the emerald’s true color and what factors define its lush green color.

    Enchanting Green: Discover the Timeless Beauty of Emerald Jewelry

    So, here in this blog, we will discuss what is the true color of an emerald gemstone and what it takes to make it a green gem.

    Before we answer what is the real color of an emerald, let’s discuss first what it takes to define its lush green color.

    How Color of an Emerald Is Decided?

    Well, the color of any gemstones is measured by three major characteristics that defines their value. Hue, tone, and saturation are those three terms that describe the color of the stone. You might be thinking that all these three terms sounds similar, right? Well, that’s not the case! All these three terms have different meaning that plays a vital role in describing the stone’s color.

    Let’s discuss this briefly…

    • Hue:

      Hue relates to the color, or rather the specific tint/shade of green that the gem displays. The most valuable emeralds generally have a bluish-green tone. However, stones with pure and strong green colors that exhibit equal color distribution are also attractive.

    • Tone:

      This particular element is assessed by assessing the level of blackness or brightness seen on the diamond. Natural emeralds can have a range of tones, from light to medium green. Typically, medium to dark tones are recommended.

    • Saturation:

      Saturation means the strength or intensity of the color which can vary from a dark to a very dull green. Real emeralds tend to display medium to vivid saturation.

    Now, let’s jump to our main question…

    What Is The Real Color Of An Emerald?

    The natural or real emeralds are either blue or pure deep green. This green does not have a very dark tone. High-quality emeralds have an equal distribution of color throughout the gemstone. The color of an emerald is also depends upon the origin where it is mined.

    It is important to remember that, while emeralds are now mined all over the world, they are not all the same hue. Certain locations, like as the mining in Colombia, are well-known for producing blue-green emeralds with warmer and more vivid colors. Zambian and Brazilian emeralds are said to have higher clarity but may not be blue-green.

    Let’s Sum It Up…

    Now as you know hue, tone, and saturation are the three elements that make up the color of an emerald, it is also important to keep in mind that not all emeralds have the same color. Emeralds mined from different countries have different color variations as well.

    However, nowadays, most emeralds are heat treated which enhances the look of the emerald. So, while purchasing your so-loved emerald stone, make sure to pay close attention to the cut of the stone. This feature can highlight the gem's depth of color and improve its overall look.

    Since you have come this far, you might be thinking of purchasing an emerald for your jewelry, right? Well, rest assured! We’ve got you covered! Browse our wide range of exquisite emerald jewelry collections that are designed to match your style.

    Rosec Jewels