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Ethiopian Opal Engagement Ring FAQs

  1. What is an Opal?

    Opal is a delicate gem found on earth having harness ranging between 5.5 and 6.5. It is used in making jewelries and for further details you can read here.

  2. Is opal good for engagement rings?

    Yes, Ethiopian opals can be used in engagement rings. Opal is sparkle and can be worn everyday just like other stones and diamond. You can choose rose gold, white gold or yellow gold opal engagement ring according to your metal color preference and you are ready to sparkle!

  3. Are opals bad luck for engagement rings?

    No at all, Ethiopian opal rings are perfect for commemorating the occasion of engagement.

  4. What does an Ethiopian opal engagement ring symbolize?

    Ethiopian opal rings signify the unique fire and spark in the relationship you wish to take towards a lifetime of commitment.

  5. How to take good care of Ethiopian Opal Engagement Ring?

    While cleaning Ethiopian opal engagement ring make use of lukewarm water and mild cleaning detergent. Soft toothbrush can be used to clean the underside of the Ethiopian opal. Also, the Ethiopian opal rings must be individually kept to avoid contact with other jewelry to avoid unnecessary scratches.

  6. How can I know if the Ethiopian opal engagement ring is real?

    While setting out to buy Ethiopian opal engagement rings, you can look for the certification to ensure the authenticity of Ethiopian opal rings.

Opal engagement rings

Ethiopian Opal is called as the “Queen of Gems”. Now, imagine if the stone is itself a queen, how would it’s engagement ring look like? Ethiopian opal engagement rings are soothing to eyes and it’s beauty seems like a magical spell has been cast upon. It’s unique play of colors resembles closely to the rainbow. One can easily depict that it’s not just a common stone, opal is a galaxy of colors. Thus, women who desire to take a different route than the traditional one, go for genuine opal engagement rings for their big day. Engagement rings with opals and diamond are the one that are most cherish by new brides-to-be as diamond complements the allure of opal in the most enchanting way.

From simple opal engagement ring to vintage opal engagement ring Rosec Jewels have a vast collection that you can adore. Thus in an attempt to address the needs of women with knack for latest trends in jewelry, we present with great many options to choose from. An opal engagement ring is an exquisite expression of your adoration towards your partner.

Opal Engagement Ring Meaning and It’s Benefits

The irresistible charm and wondrous luster of the opal engagement ring signifies that your bond with your partner would always flourish with flying colors. Roman people had grand adoration for opal because it is considered to have solid connection with the God of love “Cupid”. Opal signifies purity, being a token of love, opal is a truly one-of-a-kind gem. Propose to her with with an opal diamond halo ring and it would mean that you are proposing her with illuminating galaxies. There are various cultures attached different myths to this gemstone, some of which are still believed to be associated as the metaphysical properties of the Ethiopian Opal.

The effective benefits of opal engagement ring is that it works as an emotional intensifier and brings calmness to the wearer. It has other physical and spiritual benefits like improving blood purification, memory sharpening, and maintaining good balance between all the chakras. People trying to build up their self esteem should go for opal rings or opal engagement rings set.

Why Choose Rosec Jewels for Opal Engagement Rings?

Our collection of engagement rings for women featuring Ethiopian opal is adored by any eye which falls on it. With a keen attention to details and adhering to the 4 C’s of Ethiopian opal, we ensure quality assurance at every step of our crafting process. We handcraft gold opal engagement rings with great finish, keeping quality and customer satisfaction in mind. Our 30 days free return policy is favorable for our customers as well

What to Look for in opal engagement rings

  • Color: Ethiopian opals are adored for their spectacular play-of-color pattern and are found in milky whites or on rare occasions, a clear crystal body. So, weather you are opting an antique opal engagement ring is a simple one always look upon the color.

  • Clarity: Clarity for Ethiopian opal engagement rings means the degree of transparency with absence of inclusions.

  • Cut: The overall color and brilliance of the Ethiopian opal engagement rings can be determined by the Cut offered by skilled cutting. Round, oval, pear, cushion, marquise cuts are common in this opal.

  • Carat: The measure of sizes of Ethiopian Opal is done in unit of Carat which is the measure of weight and should not be confused with the visible sizes.