Rosec Jewels offers free worldwide complimentary shipping services on delivery of every purchase made by the customer. Besides both-ways free shipping, any sales tax and other handling charges are prepaid for the convenience of buyer.
As soon as your order is shipped, we send out email to the customer
confirming the same along with order-tracking information enclosed. We will however, keep you updated about your shipment. In case you have more such queries, feel free to contact us.
It usually takes around 7 business days for Rosec Jewels orders to get shipped. However, in case of multiple orders, we may or may not always ship them together yet we abide by the time window mentioned before.
All the dispatched orders are insured on their invoice value and are eligible for raising claim of products in case of damage or loss. However, if a package goes missing or arrive damaged, then the same should be notified to us within 24 hours, that would help us solve the issue at the earliest. Please contact our experts should your order details indicate successful delivery but you didn’t receive any.
Yes, we do offer return shipments in case you wish to return or exchange any product found ineffective or didn’t meet your expectations. All the return shipments are carried out by our delivery partner and are completely free. Feel free to reach us if you wish to get your order exchanged or returned.
Shipping Address can only be modified before the product is shipped. Once the product is dispatched, it totally depends upon the delivery partner for any changes in the address. Therefore, we recommend you to notify us of any such modification within 24 Hrs of order placement.
You can Contact Us should you need any assistance in regard to Delivery Address. Or mail us at
In case customer is not 100% satisfied with any of the purchase, then Rosec Jewels offers Free 30-days return policy. However, the product should be returned in salable conditions (unless it arrived damaged or ineffective) along with the gift box or any other accessories and free gifts.
Thus, in order to raise request of return or exchange, the customer can contact us or write us at
Please Note
- Any personalized items with etching or embossing are exempted from our Return or Exchange policy unless they arrive damaged or ineffective.
Rosec Jewels doesn’t issue refunds without a sales receipt. Items will be accepted for credit or exchange only if they are returned unworn and in salable condition within 30 days, with the sales receipt enclosed. Few exemptions may apply.
Customized items with embossing or etchings are NOT eligible for return or exchange because of the nature of the items. (Unless they arrive damaged).
Yes, Rosec Jewels offer FREE and hassle-free shipping on returns or exchanges scheduled by you.
Refund of the returned are initiated once the product is received at our facility and gone through the process of Quality Assurance. Only after assuring the quality of the item, we initiate the refund which usually takes around 10 business days to get reflected in the customer’s account used during order placement.
You can measure the size of your ring at your home by referring to our Ring Size Guide. lternatively, you can request a ring sizer if you aren’t still sure about your ring size.
A ring sizer is used to determine the size of the ring that would comfortably sit on your finger. However, the request for a Free Ring Sizer can only be made once you have placed your order with Rosec Jewels.
Yes, your ring size can be changed if the request is made during the order processing. The same can be initiated by contacting our expert team and informing the same to them.
However, in case your order is already processed and shipped, you can easily raise an exchange request for the same.
Rosec Jewels makes it really safe and easy to order from the online dedicated website. Any item that captures your eye can be easily added to the shopping cart by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button. After that, follow the directions through the checkout process for order completion.
Yes, we make it quite convenient to get your order placed over call with one of our jewelry experts. Feel free to contact us.
Once your order is placed and accepted by us, you will receive an e-mail confirming the same along with attached invoice and other order details with your unique order identification number for future reference.
Any coupon or promo-code is automatically applied to your order during the time of checkout. However, if you have a different coupon code then it can be added on the dedicated space on the payment window.
In case you change your mind for any reason, you can easily cancel your order by getting in touch with us. Our live chat and call assistance are available 24x7, please contact us, should you wish to get your order canceled. However, it should be noted that in case of order cancellation, customer must do so within 24 Hours of order placement as orders can be canceled only while they are being processed, once the product is shipped then we are unable to cancel it, however, it can be returned by raising a return request.
We accept all kinds of credit and debit cards as the payment modes. You can alternatively choose PayPal while making the payment for your order.
Yes, it is quite safe and secure to make purchase with Rosec Jewels. We make use of secure encryption and fraud protection for all credit and debit card transactions. For more information read our Data Protection Policy
In case of unexpected payment failure and amount deduction from your bank account, your amount will be refunded by your bank in case the bank is at fault. However, if your payment is credited to our account then we can easily mend the issue and confirm the order. Whatever the case is, any payment failure must be brought to our notice by contacting us on Call or writing to us at Our team will help you to know the status of your payment.
Yes, Rosec Jewels offer complete protection of your Credit/Debit Card details, (Name on Card, Card Number, Card Expiring Date, Billing Details). We are not involved in any sort of data sharing or selling of any sort. For more information on how we ensure protection of our customer’s private data, please read Data Protection under the Privacy Policy of
Every purchase made on is prepaid either by Credit/Debit Card or PayPal as currently we are not accepting cash-on-delivery as mode of payment.
You do not necessarily need to create your account with us, we do allow customers to check-out as a Guest User. Although, account creation is not a compulsion, but we recommend user accounts as it makes them eligible for our seasonal offers and sales.
At the time of user registration with Rosec Jewels, we ask for personal details such as E-mail, Full Name and Mobile Number to create your user account. In addition, during the time of check-out, you will be asked to provide your Billing & Shipping Addresses as well as Credit/Debit Card details for payment.
We collect your personal information solely for the purpose of our business operation. Your personal information like, Personal Details, Payment Details & Addresses helps us to get our products delivered to you. We may also use your e-mails for communicating or notifying any future offers or sales for the sole purpose of marketing. For more details on how we use your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
In order to modify your marketing preferences and unsubscribing from our newsletter, look for the “Unsubscribe” tab at the bottom of any e-mail from Rosec Jewels. It will automatically sign you off our marketing e-mails. However, you will still be able to receive specific order related e-mails.
Yes, you can easily modify your personal details on your account with us should you feel any of the previously furnished details is wrong and might affect your order. Simply, log in your account and look for “Edit Profile” option under the Drop Down Menu of your name.
Rosec Jewels with its dedicated team continues to grow to be recognized as a global fashion brand with a reputation for its authentic and certified jewelry and related accessories. We aim at weaving a spectacular network of experts with various career opportunities for enthusiastic candidates. To apply please write to us at
As an e-commerce retailer, we provide career opportunities in the fields of Copy-writing/Content-writing, Graphic Designing, E-commerce handling, Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing and Managerial opportunities for the eligible candidates.
All job opportunities at Rosec Jewels are offered as Full-time employment. However, on rare occasion we might offer Work From Home opportunities for selected positions.
All of our products and services are based on humanitarian grounds. Any stage of our business operation ensures that all necessary morals are followed by each and every person associated with Rosec Jewels.
We understand the importance of the Conflict-Free Diamonds and hence we ensure that each gemstone decorating our jewelry is obtained from Conflict-Free Sources.
Yes, we at Rosec Jewels understand the need to keep our environment safe. Therefore, we have taken this upon our shoulders to keep our operations environment friendly.
We at Rosec Jewels lay special emphasis to create a friendly environment at the workplace in order to bring out the best into our employees. We understand the importance of mental health and how it can be affected by a stressful environment, therefore, we have put various fun activities in place.
We understand that each and every employee working with us deserve some extra benefits which remind them that we value their efforts. Therefore, we feel it our responsibility to look after them by keeping in place Health Insurance policies.