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Explore A Perfect Cut for Your Ruby: - A Beginner's Guide to Brilliance and Beauty

Explore A Perfect Cut for Your Ruby: - A Beginner's Guide to Brilliance and Beauty

Still Confused about “Which ruby cut is made for you?” Oval cut and round shape are the most treasured cuts, enhancing gemstone beauty and its value. When it comes to...
Rosec Jewels
How To Identify Between Real Vs Fake Ruby?

How To Identify Between Real Vs Fake Ruby?

Rubies falls under some of the most precious gemstones in the world. Under the earth’s specific conditions, rubies are naturally formed. In the term of its look, it carries a...
Rosec Jewels
Why Are Ruby So Valuable Gem?

Why Are Ruby So Valuable Gem?

Rubies are the most expensive and rare colored stone on the planet. In fact, it is much rarer than diamond. This can be the main reason why ruby are so...
Rosec Jewels
Can You Wear Your Ruby Everyday?

Can You Wear Your Ruby Everyday?

Among the world's most valuable jewels are rubies. They naturally originate on Earth under certain circumstances. They shine attractively and have a rich, vivid red color. Here in this blog,...
Rosec Jewels
Magical Powers of Ruby

Cumhachtaí draíochta Ruby

Is de theaghlach mianraí corandam é Ruby. Faigheann sé a dhath dearg beoga ón gcróimiam atá i láthair taobh istigh; ar shlí eile, corundum, nach raibh aon dath ar dtús....
Rosec Jewels
Our Best 20 Natural Ruby Earrings for Daily Wear

Ár 20 Cluaise Ruby Nádúrtha is Fearr le haghaidh Caitheamh Laethúil

Is é ár rogha coitianta le haghaidh jewelry laethúil rud atá thar a bheith éadrom, compordach, ach fós beagán tarraingteach. Bhí baint ag jewelry, go háirithe jewelry gemstone i gcónaí...
Rosec Jewels
What is the Meaning of July Birthstone Ruby and Its Benefits?

Cad é Brí Iúil Birthstone Ruby agus a Buntáistí?

Tá cloch bhreithe Iúil, Ruby, ar cheann de na GEMS is mó a bhfuil meas agus inmhianaithe air. I dtéacsanna Sanscrait, luaitear ‘ratanraj’ é, ‘rí na gcloch gem’. Tagann an...
Rosec Jewels
Ruby - The King of Gemstone

Ruby - Rí na Gemstone

Is gemstone iontach daite é Ruby a bhaineann leis an teaghlach criostail corundum. Is corandam iad sapphires freisin, ach leagann dath dearg bríomhar na cloiche seo amach ó sapphires é....
Rosec Jewels
How To Clean and Care For Ruby

Conas Ruby a Ghlanadh agus a Chúram

Is é Ruby an ceann is buanseasmhaí de na clocha gemacha daite, ach braitheann a fhad saoil freisin ar an gcaoi a dtugann tú aire dó. Is féidir le cúpla...
Rosec Jewels
How To Choose Ruby Ring For Her

Conas Fáinne Ruby a Roghnú dá cuid

Le fada an lá, bhí Regal Rubes ina siombail den ghrá, den mhisneach agus den phaisean. Choinnigh a dath dearg beoga agus a cáilíochtaí láidre an chloch seo i gcónaí...
Rosec Jewels
Factors Affecting Price of Ruby Jewelry & How to Care

Fachtóirí a bhfuil Tionchar acu ar Phraghas Seodra Ruby & Conas Cúram a Dhéanamh

Tá an t-ainm "Ruby" díorthaithe ón bhfocal Laidine "ruber," a chiallaíonn "dearg". San India, tá sé "ratanraj," a chiallaíonn "rí na gemstones." Bhuaigh sé freisin a áit i measc na...
Rosec Jewels
Amazing Benefits of Wearing Ruby

Buntáistí iontacha a bhaineann le Ruby a chaitheamh

Is é Ruby cloch ghéar an ghrá agus na paisean. Ós rud é gur cloch bhreith leanaí Iúil é, tá buntáistí suntasacha aige dóibh siúd ar mhaith leo Ruby Jewelry...
Rosec Jewels