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Smoky quartz ring | Smoky quartz engagement ring

Smoky Quartz Rings FAQs

  1. Is smoky quartz ring durable?

    Smoky Quartz Rings are quite durable owing to the hardness of smoky quartz.

  2. How to take care of Smoky Quartz Ring?

    While cleaning smoky quartz ring make use of lukewarm water and mild cleaning detergent. Soft toothbrush can be used to clean the underside of the smoky quartz. Also, the smoky quartz rings must be individually kept to avoid contact with other jewelry to avoid unnecessary scratches.

  3. Who can wear smoky quartz rings?

    Smoky quartz is an alternate birthstone of June. Therefore, smoky quartz rings are best suited for the people born in June.

  4. How can I know if the smoky quartz ring is authentic?

    While setting out to buy smoky quartz rings, you can look for the SGL certification to ensure the authenticity of smoky quartz rings by Rosec Jewels.

  5. How much does a 1 Carat Smoky Quartz cost?

    1 Carat Smoky Quartz can fetch prices from $8 to $65 per carat as per the quality of the gemstone.

About Smoky Quartz Rings

Rosec Jewels smoky quartz rings are an epitome of excellent craftsmanship to cherish memorable moments with this brown variety of quartz found in nature. Dating back to the era of the Chinese and Roman civilizations, this National Gem of Scotland constitute a fantastic collection of smoky quartz rings for women. To bring about a metamorphosis in traditions and latest jewelry trends, our extraordinary collection of smoky quartz engagement rings and smoky quartz wedding rings comes handy.

The keen eye of our gemologists assures the quality of smoky quartz by defining the gemstone in all factors famously termed as the 4 C’s of smoky quartz. After assuring the quality, the next step remains to determine the perfect shape befitting the ring style. The smoky quartz rings can also be chosen on the basis of shank like bypass shank rings, split shank rings etc. Metal embellishments in three colors of gold namely, yellow gold, white gold and rose gold will leave the women with passion for jewelry with plenty of options in smoky quartz rings.

Benefit of Smoky Quartz Rings

Smoky Quartz is believed to disperse fear, lift the wearer from depression and negativity. Practitioners often associate it with emotional calmness.

Points to Remember While Buying Smoky Quartz Rings

  • Color: Smoky Quartz, like other colored gemstones comes with a palette of different smoky color saturation with a hint of yellow, gray and deep brown.
  • Clarity: The Smoky Quartz is basically a colored quartz with a brown luster. Mostly, inclusions in Smoky Quartz Rings are not visible to the naked eye making them eye-clean.
  • Cut: Smoky Quartz are available in large sizes facilitating for the cutter to offer any desired shape without much difficulty.
  • Carat: Smoky Quartz, since belonging to the Quartz family is available in large sizes making their availability in range of smoky quartz rings.